Who is Lizoutje?

Elizabeth. With a Zed (the English spelling).

Mama, Wife, Neuroscientist. And "creative-genius" when I have the time ;)

Nicknamed Lizou by my French family in order to distinguish me from my Grand-mère Elisabeth (Babette). 

Made into a cuter nickname by my Dutch husband, where the "tje" denotes the diminutive of a noun. 

Hence Lizoutje incompasses it all. 


My creative spurts come and go, sometimes in mid-project, when I have to leave it on the craft-table to attend to other things in life. 

This blog is a way for me to keep track of my creative exploits. And also to motivate me to finish those projects that get placed in "To Finish" boxes for too long. With every blog post I publish it's a metaphorical pat on the back for me. Yay!
